Inspiration to write has been lacking. Inspiration in my crafts has been lacking. In short, I think I hibernated a bit this winter.
It's odd, really. Winter should be when i am crafting most - it's cold outside and generally conducive to staying home and all that, but rarely does it happen.
So once again spring is starting to come about, and I haven't finished even a little of what I wanted to achieve before winter (or the end of winter, if I'm not being picky.)
The cardigan I started in April? Still going. I have a sleeve to go, then I have to sew it up and edge it. Still no photos. It's just stocking stitch, so imagine a pile of stocking stitch pieces in this yarn and colour.
The Woodland Shawl I started... um... a long time ago hasn't really grown at all. It is next on the list of WIPs to complete.
Socks I was working on have been frogged and a new pair started. They haven't progressed that much either.
I did recently finish some spinning. VintageGrrl dyed some fibre and I got a hold of some Cool Breeze... and here is the resulting yarn:

(As always, you can clicky to biggy)
I am now spinning up some Southern Cross Fibre Polwarth in the colourway Hay Sunrise:

In keeping with the hibernation theme: the pink merino I've been spinning on my spindle hasn't gone anywhere.